SECURITY | Stop illegal immigrants & deter all truck trailer rear door activity on the move!
Ground Breaking New Product for International Hauliers...
Tailmaster® is the ultimate deterrent against illegal immigrants making daily attempts to board the back of lorries in Europe to reach the UK. Tailmaster® has been specifically developed for the international road haulage market and is a brand-new product that can protect your livelihood, drivers and HGV/ LGV trailer goods on the return route to the UK.
In recent years, current research has shown that there is a desperate need for this type of product to be readily available to the road haulage industry. In the past 2 years, I have robustly designed and created this much needed product.
This anti vehicle-mounting apparatus can be easily attached to the rear of any lorry trailer within minutes prior to driving through problematic areas in Europe.
Tailmaster® has been designed to visually deter illegal immigrants from directly running behind the lorry trailer, preventing the opening of the rear doors and stopping immigrants from climbing inside the lorry trailer, causing major damage and contamination to trailer goods worth thousands of pounds.
During my research, I have learned that these events are daily occurrences for drivers returning to the UK.
More importantly, the safety of drivers remains paramount with the fear of speeding tickets as a result of drivers fast getting away from immigrants on the move to receiving hefty fines or even being arrested or worse imprisonment.
Drivers are generally defenceless under these circumstances.
Tailmaster (UK & Europe) Limited is a newly formed company to focus specifically on this major issue.
We are now ready to work in partnership with suitable international road hauliers to help prevent and deter this major ongoing problem by using our apparatus to provide peace of mind for drivers to carry out their daily business in Europe.
Kevin Barrington
Founder, CEO and Inventor
• Apparatus is portable & can be used on any truck trailer
• Highly effective & extremely loud audio deterrent
• Highly effective visual deterrent
• Camera to record photos or video & store information if required by the authorities
• Effective security barrier between the rear trailer door & migrants trying to access the rear of the trailer
• Tail roll out operated by remote control from drivers cab whilst driving to the Port or Shuttle terminal
• The prevention of damage to trailer goods & contamination worth thousands of pounds
• Reducing the risk to drivers safety & livelihood, reducing the risk of heavy fines, arrest & imprisonment
• Reducing inconvenience time wasted caused by migrant activity & attempts to board the rear of trailer, reducing long driving delays to booked destinations
• Peace of mind
• Unique, simple & registered design
• Robustly designed apparatus made from high quality EPDM rubber & part stainless steel, life time guarantee
• Apparatus secured & attached by heavy duty lock & plastic coated chain to rear of trailer
• Audible very loud 113 decibels alarm to help deter migrants getting close to rear of trailer
• Warning/ hazard red & amber flashing lights
• Camera with built in motion sensor to record all activity at the rear of trailer by photo or video
• Automated patented tail roll out operation by remote control from drivers cab to prevent & deter migrants running behind the trailer whilst the vehicle is on the move
• Apparatus can be quickly & easily attached to rear of trailer or detached within minutes
• Self contained apparatus with long life replaceable batteries for the alarm, camera, flashing lights & long lasting lithium battery operating the automated tail, making this apparatus very low maintenance, effective & robust during all weather conditions
• Health & safety reflective warning & hazard signage fully shown as tail rolls out when used during day & night, displaying the same quality reflective yellow fluorescent material as the emergency services
©2018-2025. (UK European Patents & European Registered Design)